
Get Certified as a PACHW

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Certification Requirements
Education/Training: 75 total hours of education from a PCB accredited CHW training provider gained within the last five years.
Work Experience: One (1) year of full-time volunteer or paid employment or 2000 hours of part-time of volunteer or paid employment as a Community Health Worker.
Current Volunteer/Job Description: Copy of current Community Health Worker volunteer/job description, obtained from current organization, and which must be signed by both the applicant and their immediate supervisor.
On-The-Job Supervision: 60 hours of on-the-job supervision of qualifying work experience specific to the domains.
CHW Certification Training Providers
PA Area Health Education Center (AHEC)
The Pennsylvania Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) are an accredited Community Health Worker training organization through the Pennsylvania Certification Board. AHEC training programs are designed to provide the core competencies needed for work in community-based and inpatient settings.