News & Events
News and Events
PACHW hosted its 2nd Annual PA CHW Rally Day on October 22, 2024
The PA CHW Collaborative’s 2nd Annual PA CHW Rally Day on October 22nd, 2024, was a powerful gathering, uniting over 170 dedicated community health workers (CHWs) and allies from across Pennsylvania for a day of impactful advocacy and celebration. The event...
PA DHS has announced Stakeholder/Group Listening Sessions
The PA Department of Human Services has announced stakeholder/group listening session dates. These sessions are where you can provide direct feedback that will be considered when developing the State Plan Amendment (SPA) to...
Save the Date: 2024 Rally Day Set for October 22nd
David Wiles, CCHW named as Inaugural PACHW Executive Director
David Wiles, CCHW was selected by the PACHW Board of Directors as the inagural Executive Director of the PA CHW Collaborative and started his tenure today. "I am beyond honored and humbled to serve as the inaugural executive director," David said. "We, CHWs, are an...
Registration Open for 3rd Annual CHW Conference
Pennsylvania’s Third Annual CHW Conference will take place on September 23rd-24th at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center in State College, PA. Hosted by Pennsylvania AHEC. Registration is $275. CHW Conference Scholarships are for individuals employed as CHWs...
Applications open for CHW Conference Scholarships
If you are a Community Health Worker in Pennsylvania, you have the opportunity to receive funding to attend and/or present at conferences to further your professional development. Learn more, and apply for a scholarship here: Scholarship - PA CHW Collaborative....
CHW Access Act introduced by U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA)
Today, Senator Bob Casey (D-Pa.) introduced the Community Health Worker Access Act, a new bill proposing crucial investments in the community health workforce to improve health care access in the United States. The Community Health Worker Access...
PA Department of Human Services submits Section 1115 demonstration waiver application to CMS
DHS submitted the Section 1115 demonstration application (Bridges to Success: Keystones of Health for Pennsylvania) to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS has completed its preliminary review of our application and determined it to be complete....
Medicare Authorizes Payment for CHW Services
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the calendar year (CY) 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) on November 2, 2023. The final rule, effective January 1, 2024, includes policy changes for Medicare to authorize payment for Community...
PA CHW Rally Day
HARRISBURG, Pa. — Community Health Workers (CHWs) from across Pennsylvania met at the State Capitol in Harrisburg on Tuesday for their first-ever Rally Day. On Tuesday, they wanted to speak to lawmakers about their profession's impact on the community and the...